What is applied to patients with unsuccessful IVF trials?

What is applied to patients with unsuccessful IVF trials?

Patients with unsuccessful IVF trials need to be reassessed when they come to us and their stories are very important, especially in other centers, which is a bit more of a problem for us because we need the details of those treatments. We need to focus on two phases of IVF treatment. One of them is egg collection and embryo development and the other is the part after the transfer. Some patients may have obtained very good eggs may have obtained a very good quality embryo, but after some kind of transfer, these embryos may not hold. But good embryo transfer did not succeed in some way, then it is useful to focus more on the uterus first. We may need to review the inside of the uterus. We perform hysteroscopy on these patients and then try to increase their chances of success.

If we have not achieved a good embryo or if the embryos transferred in previous trials do not appear to be of very high quality and as a result have failed, it is useful to focus on what we can do to improve embryo quality. Changing the treatment protocols of these patients may significantly affect embryo quality. Genetic problems in both men and women may have negative effects on embryo quality by transferring them to the embryo, which is useful in investigating this situation.

We also need to check the biochemical and hormonal status of the patient. Thyroid hormone deficiency, diabetes, vitamin D deficiency, anemia, coagulant diseases and certain drugs that it has to use continuously will decrease both embryo development and the chance of embryos holding in utero.

Failed IVF Treatments

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