We can divide the new approaches in IVF treatment as laboratory and clinical.
The most recent and clinically important approach is the individualization of in vitro fertilization. Technological support given to couples according to their needs will increase the chances of patients getting pregnant.
The most important new approach in in vitro fertilization is the developments in embryo freezing technology.
Egg freezing procedures, which are made possible by advances in freezing technologies, are among the most important developments in the infertility treatment. Especially in women who want to postpone their reproduction due to a career or illness, eggs can be frozen and this ensures that the patient can have children at any time.
In addition, time lapse systems in embriology laboratory , named embryoscopes, are the methods that can increase the success artesi in IVF. With the help of these systems we can monitore embryos and also prevent their contact with the external environment. Bu means of it, we can observe and determine their growth rate and choose the best embryo.
PRP is one of the recent approache in reproductive medicine and IVF. It is an application made by injecting the plazma rich in cells called platelets which are derived form peripheral circulation into the ovaries. High concentrations of growth factors found in those platelets may stimulate the stem cells and dormant oocytes in ovaries. With these mechanisms PRP might give chance to patients who do not respond to controlled ovarian stimulation. It can increase the success rate in IVF treatment.
You can meet your dreams with personalized IVF treatment.
With our advanced technology center and years of experience, we look forward to helping couples without children.
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