In addition to classical operations, many operations can be performed laparoscopically or hysteroscopically (closed) in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Istanbul. In our department, all traditional and modern treatments related to Obstetrics and Gynecology are applied. Adult women seek gynecology at some point in their lives. Gynecological examinations, menopausal problems, infertility treatments, pregnancy planning, pregnancy follow-up, as well…
Scientists have found that newborn babies have stem cells similar to those in the bone marrow in their cord blood. In 1980s, the idea that blood obtained from cord blood can be collected under certain conditions, stored by freezing and then thawed when needed and used for the treatment of certain diseases.
Keep working. New births, new IVFs, new surgeries. Have a nice week
Menstrual Delay, Menstrual Delay treatment, Causes of Menstrual Delay, Menstrual Delay causes and remedies, Menstrual delay may not be the only cause of pregnancy. If you’re not trying to get pregnant, nothing will scare you as late as your period. And when your period is late, you can think of the question of whether I am pregnant. Is pregnancy the only reason for your menstrual delay? Here are the 10 most common reasons for not having menstruation or delay