IVF Treatment in Early Menopause

IVF Treatment in Early Menopause

The risk of early menopause is directly related to reproduction. What are the success rates of IVF after early menopause? Is IVF treatment applied in case of early menopause? How is early menopause diagnosed? How is menopause treated? detailed information about early menopause. Dr. Murat Arslan explains.

Menopause is a natural and physiological process. Generally, women enter menopause between the ages of 45-50. At this age, the ovaries begin to end their function and undergo hormonal changes. Menopause is a natural process experienced by every healthy woman. However, menopause before the age of 40 may be called early menopause. Early menopause can occur for many reasons. Especially due to genetic and previous surgical procedures, early menopause occurs.

It is very important to detect early menopause at an early stage, that is, before a woman enters a menopause. In-vitro fertilization is the most successful assisted reproductive method in early menopause. However, if the woman is diagnosed with early menopause at this stage if she has not had any menstrual period for a year, there is no chance of having a child with IVF treatment.

How is early menopause diagnosed?

If bleeding has not yet occurred after a year, early menopause may be diagnosed. Necessary examinations and examinations should be performed and causes other than menopause should be ruled out.

IVF Treatment in Early Menopause

During the menopause, the ovaries no longer produce eggs. Therefore, there is no chance of a woman becoming pregnant. In addition, since the hormones estrogen and progesterone do not produce eggs, the inner layer of the uterus does not thicken. Thickening of the inner layer of the uterus is necessary for the placement of pregnancy. Pregnancy is not the case in the absence of thickening.

Is there treatment for early menopause?

If ovaries need to be removed after surgical interventions, early menopause may occur. In this case, eggs are not produced from the ovaries and the production of estrogen-progesterone hormone is reduced. However, menopause does not occur if only the uterus is removed surgically and the ovaries are left. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy due to cancer treatments can lead to menopause.

If for any reason, early menopause has been diagnosed, there is no cure for reversing the condition and allowing the woman to reproduce eggs. If the diagnosis of early menopause is made before the termination of menstruation, diseases that may lead to early menopause should be diagnosed at this stage and the age of early menopause should be postponed with the treatment of these diseases.

Although there is a chance of having a child with IVF treatment before entering menopause, it is not possible to have a child with IVF treatment after menopause.

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