Factors affecting success in IVF treatment

Factors affecting success in IVF treatment

The most important factor affecting success in IVF treatment is the age of the woman, and secondly, the cause of infertility, infertility. What we do for IVF is very important.

For example, the patient may have endometriosis, only the tubes of the patient may be clogged, there may be a problem with the sperm of the patient’s partner, and even the semen may not be present at all, and we may have to find it from the testis. All of these factors influence success.

But as we mentioned at first, the most important factor is the age of the woman. Young patients have a higher chance of success. Because the egg quality of these patients is much higher than the elderly patients and they have better quality eggs, which leads to better embryos and a higher chance of pregnancy.

Factors Affecting Success in IVF

Factors affecting success in IVF treatment

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