Can Fibroids Prevent IVF Treatment?

Can Fibroids Prevent IVF Treatment?

Fibroids are actually benign tumors of the uterus. Fibroids can therefore disrupt the structure of the uterus by the region they settle. When we think about the success of IVF treatment, we think that uterine fibroids affect the IVF treatment.

Therefore, very close to the inside of the uterus or uterine uterine uterus, we say that we want to take before the in vitro fertilization treatment. But there are some fibroids in the muscle layer of the uterus, but it does not affect the inside of the uterus or closer to the outer part of these uterine fibroids do not plan to take before IVF treatment.

However, even if it does not directly affect the uterus, uterine muscle fibroids in patients with uterine fibroids in patients who have recurrent treatment failures, ie, in vitro fertilization results in these patients may need to be examined and recommended surgery first.

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