The last stage of IVF treatment is short embryo transfer and post-procedure, but it is one of the most important stages of IVF treatment. I’ve been giving information about the stages of IVF treatment for the last 3 weeks. This week we will focus on embryo transfer, which is the last of the treatment phase. Embryos can be transferred at…
Ovarian overexcitation (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome – OHSS) is the most common complication of IVF treatment. OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome) Ovulation is an extreme response to induction (pills and needles for ovulation) treatments. It may occur after improper use of gonadotropins. OHSS is characterized by a large number of cysts in the ovaries and a protein-rich fluid from the vessels to…
The total duration of egg development, collection, embryo transfer and pregnancy test results, which are the stages of IVF treatment, is between 26-32 days. However, this period may rarely extend for one or two weeks.
Infertility is the lack of pregnancy for 1 year without adequate protection and adequate sexual intercourse. Infertility is seen in 10-15 % of married cuoples. Family history is an important rsik factor in the diagnosis of infertility. What is infertility? What are the reasons? Infertility can be divided into two; primary and secondary infertility. Primary infertility; for those who do not…
Acıbadem International Hospital For International Patients Couples who apply to IVF treatment and who cannot get pregnancy through natural ways prefer our country and us for IVF treatment. Thanks to our in-vitro fertilization facilities that can meet worldwide standards, couples who have had the chance to meet their long-term babies do not hesitate to use this opportunity to avoid high costs…
Prof.Dr. Murat Arslan and IVF team will be with you during the process of the diagnostic tests and during the IVF treatment.
Causes of ınfertility in Men 182 / 5000 The most common cause of infertility in men is a decrease in sperm count and / or motility and / or malformations (oligo-asteno-teratospermi-OAT). The reason is often unclear. Surgical treatment of varicocele with OAT is generally recommended by urologists, but its efficacy has not been established. If the number of motile sperm…