VACCINATION (İntrauterin İnseminasyon) Treatment

It is a matter of curiosity whether vaccination treatment or IVF treatment is needed, how vaccination and IVF methods are applied and what are the chances of pregnancy. Vaccination treatment is an assisted reproductive technique applied to couples who cannot have children naturally. If no results are obtained from vaccination treatment, in vitro fertilization is planned if it is deemed appropriate by consulting a IVF specialist. In conclusion, it will be appropriate to evaluate the couples who apply for child treatment and to decide whether vaccination method or IVF is necessary after the necessary tests.

Vaccination and IVF

VACCINATION (İntrauterin İnseminasyon) Treatment

Couples who apply with a child’s wish are worried about what kind of treatment will be applied to them and what the results of these treatments will be. It is a matter of curiosity whether vaccination therapy or IVF treatment is required, how these methods are applied and what are the chances of pregnancy. In this article I tried to inform you about these issues.

If the couples who want to have children in their 20s and middle ages have a regular relationship, one of these 5-6 couples will become pregnant every month. This means that at the end of 1 year, 85% of couples become pregnant. Infertility tests for the remaining 10% of nonpregnant couples are normal in both pairs, and if there is no obvious cause, the first recommended reproductive technique is IUI. Compared to IVF (IVF treatment), it is a simple and inexpensive method, so the first application is ART (assisted reproductive technique).
It is a simple infertility treatment method in which washed and prepared sperm are put into uterus cavity with the help of a thin catheter. Vaccination is easier than IVF treatment. It is an easy and inexpensive reproductive technique according to IVF applied after or with drug treatments in infertility treatment. However, it should not be underestimated that its effectiveness is very low compared to IVF.


  • Couples with moderate infertility problems
  • Unexplained infertility,
  • Low sperm count,
  • Decreased sperm motility, except for patients with mild to moderate endometriosis;
  • Bad cervical factor,
  • Cervical scar tissue,
  • It is applied in male patients with ejaculation disorder.
  • Vaccination is administered in women with ovulatory disorders, in men with mild to moderate spermiogram defects, and in women with less than ideal cervical mucus. The fallopian tubes
  • should be open, uterine cavity should be smooth and ovulatory for the vaccination to be performed.
  • Vaccination is useless in the serious male factor present with low sperm count and sperm deformity. Similarly, it does not work in women with severely damaged tubules and closed tubes.

İntrauterin İnseminasyon(IUI)

Prepared sperm are left into the uterus by means of a special syringe and are easily accessible to the egg. In particular, some of the unexplained infertility and sperm parameters are used in patients with abnormalities. The tubes must be open.

Aşılama ve Tüp Bebek

This process can be done by giving some drugs to the mother before ovulation, as well as natural menstrual periods can be done.

Normally, a woman usually matures and ejects a single egg, while the number of spawning enhancers is 2 or 3, which is ideal for IUI cycles. In cases of mature egg development of 4 or more, the risk of multiple pregnancy increases, and if necessary, the family should talk and the cycle should be canceled.

If the mother has been given medication for ovulation, the hCG injection (the needle that causes the follicle to crack) is made when the diameter of the follicle called the follicle reaches 18-20 mm. Vaccination is performed 36 hours later.

The average success rate for each vaccination is 5—15%. Since it is known that pregnancy rates do not increase after 3-4 applications, there is no need for more vaccination. In vitro fertilization is generally recommended for people who do not develop pregnancy despite vaccination 3 times.

Some recent studies have shown that vaccination prior to IVF increases the cost only because of the low pregnancy rates obtained with IUI treatment, so the idea of ​​having a direct IVF without vaccination treatment has been discussed.

IUI Step By Step:

Doğal üremede yumurta yumurtalıklardan atılır tüpler tarafından yakalanarak alınır. Spermler servikal kanaldan uterus içinden yüzerek tubalara kadar 8-10 cm lik bir yol kat ederler. Bu gelen kısım toplam hacmin %10 u kadardır. Eğer her şey yolunda giderse yumurta sperm tarafından döllenerek embriyo oluşur.

Stages of Vaccination

  1. Stimulate Egg Growth:
  2. Ultrasound & Blood Monitoring:
  3. Ovulation Induced:
  4. Insemination Procedure:
  5. Follow-Up:

We recommend that patients pursue an intrauterine insemination (IUI) cycle when timed intercourse in conjunction with the use of fertility medication has a low likelihood for success, or has failed. Findings that support the use of IUI include the presence of physical barriers such as cervical scarring, poor cervical mucus, or chronic cervical inflammation (cervicitis). Erectile dysfunction, problems with ejaculation, or mild sperm abnormalities would also would make IUI an ideal treatment option. For couples who have completed medicated cycles with timed intercourse without success, or have unexplained infertility, IUI is often the next step. Pregnancy success via IUI may range from 10-15% per cycle.

An IUI cycle is not considered for patients with blocked fallopian tubes and may not be a fit for women with severe endometriosis or a history of pelvic infections. If a male partner has an extremely low sperm count, the chances of success are diminished and IVF would often be recommended as an initial step.

Before starting treatment, we do a medical evaluation of both the female and male partner. For men, this primarily involves obtaining a semen analysis. For women, hormone levels such as Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) are checked, which offer indirect information about egg supply and ovarian function. A physical evaluation and vaginal ultrasound are also performed and any relevant medical history (previous pregnancies, medical diagnoses) are discussed. Many times an assessment of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes is completed through a sonohysterogram (ultrasound) or hysterosalpingogram (X-Ray).

Undergoing an intrauterine insemination cycle often includes taking medication to stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs, then through a simple technique, directly injecting processed sperm into the uterus at the time of ovulation. We’d like to take you through the entire process, step by step, so you know what to expect.

  • Stimulate Egg Growth: The woman begins taking oral or injectable medication to stimulate the growth and maturation of her eggs. The injections are just beneath the skin (subcutaneous) and recommended in an area of the body with fat, such your stomach or the top of the thigh. Oral medication is taken for 5 days and injectable medication is usually taken for 8-12 days based on how the ovaries respond.
  • Ultrasound & Blood Monitoring: While on injectable medication, brief ultrasound appointments are needed every 2-3 days to monitor the ovaries and egg development. Blood tests are also completed to assess hormone levels related to egg growth and ovarian function. Through this testing and monitoring, we ensure everything is progressing safely.
  • Ovulation Induced: Once a “ripe” egg is present, a patient receives a “trigger shot” that causes ovulation within about 36 hours. The shot is given by a nurse at the clinic or self-administered at home.Sperm Sample Processed: The male partner provides a sperm sample or a donor sperm sample is thawed, then processed by the laboratory. During preparation, the sperm sample is “washed” to remove debris, immobile sperm and substances in semen that could cause severe cramping and the sperm cells are highly concentrated into a small volume.
  • Insemination Procedure: Just like a routine pelvic exam, a woman lies on an exam table. The sperm sample is injected into the uterus through a thin, long, flexible catheter. The entire process is virtually painless and takes seconds to complete. Getting up shortly after the procedure will not impact chances of pregnancy. On some occasions, insemination will be recommended two days in a row, but in most cases, a single well-timed insemination is all that is needed in each cycle.
  • Follow-Up: A week after ovulation, progesterone levels are often tested. For some patients, additional hormone support (such as progesterone) may be suggested to help prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy. Progesterone support is often used for women with recurrent miscarriage.
    Additional Testing: About two weeks after insemination, follow up blood testing determines if pregnancy has resulted.

Stages of Vaccination Therapy

Vaccination treatment is an assisted reproductive technique applied to couples who cannot have children naturally. In vaccination, treatment is applied to create suitable conditions for sperm and egg to come together. Fast moving and normal looking sperm from the male sample is selected by sperm washing method in the laboratory and placed into the uterus through a thin catheter. In this way, the distance of sperm to reach the egg will be reduced, the chance of fertilization increases. Vaccination method is an advantageous treatment option because it removes deformed sperm and slow moving. The chance of fertilization in vaccination is between 10 and 20 percent.


Vaccination treatment in unexplained infertility, in women with ovulation problems, in couples with sexual problems, in cases where semen flows back to the bladder or escaped into the bladder, in women with vaginusmus problems, in men with mild sperm disorder, movement or structure, in severe hypospadias It can be applied in cases where the sperm is frozen.


During the vaccination treatment, women do not experience any discomfort, pain or pain. Mild cramps and a small amount of vaginal bleeding may occur, just like menstruation.

After vaccination, it is sufficient for it to lie on the examination table for 15 or 20 minutes. After the rest is completed, he can continue his daily life and does not need to rest at home.

If Vaccination Does Not Work

After 3 or 4 times vaccination in couples, the chance of pregnancy does not increase with further trials. Pregnancy is difficult in some patients with vaccination therapy.

If the sperm of the man is very low and the movements are slow, the chance of pregnancy by vaccination is very low. In general, after washing the sperm from a man, the number of sperm moving forward is expected to be over 1 million per ml. In addition to the speed of movement of the sperm, it is very important whether the sperm is deformed. Sperm forms should be evaluated by experienced specialists before vaccination.

If there is no result from vaccination treatment, in vitro fertilization is planned in consultation with a IVF specialist. In our clinic in Istanbul, necessary evaluations are made for couples who apply for in vitro fertilization and the whole process of IVF treatment is planned in detail.


Accurate diagnosis and correct patient selection are important. After evaluating age, infertility, male factor and other additional factors, treatment should be started with the appropriate algorithm. Proper technique and timing (requires knowledge and experience) is one of the most important factors in success. In one application with vaccination method, the chance of pregnancy reaches about 20%, which is the chance of a healthy couple getting pregnant in one month. Vaccination can be tried 3 or 4 times until pregnancy is achieved, but most pregnancies occur in the first trials. 88.8% of the pregnancies are in the first three and 95.5% are in the first four treatments. Since insistence does not increase pregnancy rates, IVF treatment is started.
The difference between inoculation and in vitro fertilization is that sperm are given directly into the uterus instead of fertilized eggs (embryos) as in in vitro fertilization. In this way, fertilization is expected to occur naturally in the female body.


The in vitro fertilization method is based on the principle that the egg cells produced in the female body are taken out of the body and fertilized with the sperm of the man in the laboratory and the embryo is transferred back to the female uterus (embryo transfer). In women with obstructed uterine ducts, women with widespread adhesions in the abdomen due to endometriosis and who cannot achieve pregnancy by treatment, in cases where sperm count and quality are severely impaired, in immunological infertility, in some hormonal disorders, in cases where pregnancy cannot be achieved by other treatment methods, the cause cannot be explained. Infertility, some hereditary diseases are diagnosed at embryo stage and in order to obtain a healthy baby (together with preimplantation genetic diagnosis methods), in vitro fertilization is applied.
Stages of IVF treatment: the needle treatment period for egg development, egg collection, laboratory fertilization and embryo development, and embryo transfer.
The chance of pregnancy can be up to 40-60% with IVF treatments. However, the chance of pregnancy varies according to age in IVF treatment. Pregnancy can be achieved up to 60% in patients under 30 years of age, while it decreases to 40% around 35 years and to 40s. These rates are valid for one treatment, but after 4 consecutive treatments.

Vaccination and Vaccination Therapy Prices in Istanbul

Our Istanbul Acıbadem International Vaccination Center is one of the outstanding centers where vaccination is performed in Istanbul . With more than a hundred years of experience, we have provided many couples with healthy babies, their biggest dream. With our experience and expertise in the field of infertility, we welcome you to our center to realize this beautiful dream. In our center, the success rates in vaccination treatment are around 20% and this rate is one of the highest accepted in the world in vaccination treatment. In other words, one out of every 5 vaccination procedures in our center results in pregnancy. It should be noted that the success rate of the procedure will increase as the number of trials increases. As for the cost of vaccination treatment and vaccination prices, the cost of vaccination alone is 0000 TL. However, it should be remembered that an infertility examination is necessary to evaluate the couple beforehand. Our infertility examination fee is equal to our standard pregnancy examination fee.