Sperm and Embryo Freezing

What is Embryo Freezing?

Embryos and reproductive cells are stored in liquid nitrogen in -196 degrees after rapid cooling by special techniques. When rapid freezing method is used, the embryos and reproductive cells maintain nearly  %100 viability after thawing.

What is a frozen embryo transfer?

A frozen embryo transfer (FET) is a cycle where a frozen embryo from a previous fresh IVF cycle is thawed and transferred back into a woman’s uterus. This means you won’t have to undergo another cycle of hormone stimulation and an egg collection. Frozen embryo cycles can be undertaken on your natural cycle or using hormone preparation, or ovulation induction.

Sometimes during an IVF cycle, we’ll be able to create more than one embryo. We’ll usually recommend transferring one, and freezing the others. This is due to the serious risks associated with multiple pregnancies if you transfer more than one embryo at a time.

Embryo freezing gives you more opportunities for a pregnancy for each hormone stimulation cycle and egg collection. If you do not become pregnant from the first transfer from that cycle, we can transfer a frozen embryo during a frozen embryo transfer cycle.

This means you won’t have to undergo another hormone stimulation cycle and egg collection.

Advantages of Embryo Freezing

The chance of obtaining pregnancy increases with embryo freezing method. The embryos which have a good quality can be used later after the embryos transferred to the uterus and it gives more economical treatment for couples. In the next IVF treatment, the cost of the procedure is reduced. I also avoids the cost of drugs which are used to develop ovums.

The embryo freezing process provides extensive genetic study in embryos.

After cell biopsy from embryos for genetic study a certain time is needed for test results. Therefore, embryos are frozen immediately after biopsy. Embryos with normal genetic structures can be transferred to the expectant mother in the following months. It provides possibilities to have children in the future who is single or has no marriage plan in a short term and who has low ovarian reserve. It also has possibilities to have children to the patient who will receive some treatment( chemotherapy or radiotherapy due to cancer).

Sperm freezing process in male patients;

In male patients, ıf they also need to have a chance to have babies, freezing sperm is applied. If the sperm count is too low in the semen or sperm obtained by surgical methods or also who will take chemotherapy treatment in the future.

The transfer process of embryos stored for up to 5 years in accordance with the laws determined by the Ministry of Health is carried out during periods when the cervix is suitable for holding the embryo like fresh embryo transfer. Embryo freezing is done by “vitrification” method. Embryos can be frozen on 2nd,3rd,4th,5th and 6th days of development. Frozen embryos ,with the consent of family are stored in a tank with liquid nitrogen within -196 degrees where no biological activity occur in normal IVF. In case of success after both applications medically health babies are born.

The pregnancy success rate of frozen embryos is equal to the pregnancy success rate for fresh embryos. However individual factors can affect every patient’s prospect of success.

Any frozen embryos will be stored at an ACIBADEM INTERNATIONAL IVF CENTER facility, where they will be kept frozen in cryostorage until you decide to either use, donate or discard them.

Embryos can be frozen from Day 2 (four cell stage) to Day 5 (Blastocyst). They are placed in thin plastic straws, sealed at both ends, and labelled with your name and identification number.

They then go into a freezing machine, where the temperature rapidly drops to -150° Celsius, a process called vitrification. The straws are then placed in goblets, and put into tanks filled with liquid nitrogen, which keeps the temperature at -196° Celsius.

If you are undergoing fertility treatment for a serious illness or cancer you might consider freezing embryos for future pregnancy attempts.

Want more information?

To find out more about embryo freezing or frozen embryo transfers, please call 00905324986320 or book an appointment with a fertility specialist.