Gynecological (Open-Closed) Surgeries

Gynecological operations can be performed either by open method(laparoscopy)or by closed method(laparoscopic) when we say gynecological surgeries,we can count all the operations starting from the vagina, which we call the internal and extarnal genital organs of women,to the ovaries.


Gynecological surgeries are divided into two as benign causes and surgeries performed for malignant reason. There are also surgical interventions for diagnostic interventions and therapeutic interventions.

The most common benign surgery is to remove the uterus. We call the removal of uterus “ hysterectomy” in medical terms. Hysterectomy is the most common gynecological surgery performed in the world. The uterus is an organ that works independently due to its structure. Other organs and systems do not need the uterus is removed,there is no negativity in general body work. For example, the stomach is not like this. It is not possible to take the entire stomach and throw away. Because the whole body needs it. Liver& Kidneys are not also but the uterus is privileged even if you take the whole body functions are not affected at all. The whole uterus is removed during surgery.


Uterine fibroids, submucous fibroids makes bleeding and cause pain and are treated by hysteroscopically.

Entering from uterine cavity ,the uterine fibroids shaved out. Another method is the removal of adhesions in the uterus. In the past, it was done with the help of curretage and now it is performed intraventously by hysteroscopic methods. The removal of polps formed in the uterus is also performed by hysteroscopic methods. In some cases you need to take a biopsy from the right place. Hysteroscopy is performed first espacially in cases of uterine bleeding. If there is no cancer or pathology due to this ,the obligation of uterus by hysteroscopic method is performed to stop these bleedings.

Ther are also cervical anomalies. There are a number of pathologies in which uterine seprus, which we call uterus is divided into two parts.Narrowing and Shingles, In the past,it was necessary to open the abdomen,cut the uterus and remove this piece of meat which we call uterus septus. With hysteroscopy,it was possible to interrupt it directly by entering the cervix in a short time and this type of treatment has benefited greatly.



Laparoscopy is increasing used in gynecological problems in recent years. The world laparoscopy (a word of Greek origin)means that the abdominal cavity is monitored by camera. It’s popularly known as “closed surgery”,

Laparoscopy is a surgical od diagnostic procedure performed under general anesthesia. The basic tool is a small tool. Through a tiny hole drilled just under the navel, a special tube of 10 milimeters diameter is entered into the abdominal cavity. Controlled gas is introduced to the inside of the abdomen to swell the organs to seperate them from each other. Then a camera inserted through this hole that is opened from the navel and all internal genital organs are observed and recorded on video. When necessary,special laparoscopic instruments such as scalped,coutery and scissorscan be placed through two small holes opened to the lower parts of the abdomen and various operations can be performed with laparoscopy. This is called “ operative laparoscopy”.